Drivers must ensure that they’re doing what they can to remain safe on the road. When drivers do anything unsafe, they can put others on the road at risk. This could lead to catastrophic injuries.
All drivers should understand why avoiding the following behaviors is critical. By making more informed decisions about safety, they can more effectively mitigate crash risks that could result in devastating consequences.
When a speed limit is set, it’s based on what’s safe on that stretch of road in ideal conditions. Drivers may have to slow down some when there’s traffic, inclement weather, or other factors.
Speeding reduces a driver’s ability to react to hazards in the roadway in sufficient time to avoid crashes. It also increases stopping distance and the distance a vehicle travels while the driver is reacting to a hazard. Higher speeds also increase the severity of a crash. This can mean worse injuries or fatalities.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving. This includes activities some drivers may do without thinking much about them, such as talking or texting on their phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in their vehicle or using the stereo, entertainment or navigation system.
Distractions are hazardous because they significantly reduce situational awareness, reaction times and the ability to make quick decisions in unexpected situations, increasing the likelihood of a crash. They’re also a fully preventable cause of catastrophic crashes.
Aggressive driving
Aggression on the road can manifest as changing lanes erratically or tailgating. Aggressive drivers are a hazard because their unpredictable actions can cause other drivers to swerve or brake suddenly. Another issue is that aggression can escalate to road rage, leading to confrontations that may result in physical injuries.
Anyone who’s involved in a crash with a driver who’s exhibiting one or more of these unsafe driving behaviors may opt to pursue a personal injury claim based on that driver’s negligence. These cases can be complex, so it’s a good idea to have a legal representative who can protect their interests and get their case moving forward quickly.