There are many types of car crashes that can occur on the road. Distracted drivers and tailgaters might rear-end other motorists. People under the influence of alcohol or struggling to read road signs might drive the wrong way on the street and cause a head-on...
Mesa Personal Injury Law Blog
Parking lots have become more dangerous for pedestrians
When assessing pedestrian collision risk, certain factors are important to consider. The time of day can influence the likelihood of a pedestrian crash. Many collisions occur after dark when motorists may have a difficult time seeing pedestrians in the street. Another...
From chaos to clarity: How to pick the right lawyer after an MVA
Experiencing a motor vehicle accident (MVA) in Arizona can be overwhelming. Amidst the chaos, choosing the right personal injury attorney is crucial for working through the legal complexities and securing fair compensation. Here’s a guide to help you make an informed...
Arizona’s dram shop laws: How does it apply to wrongful death cases?
Losing someone you love in a car accident is one of life's most painful experiences, especially when alcohol plays a role in their death. These tragedies raise questions about who bears responsibility beyond the person who drank alcohol. Places that serve alcohol –...
3 signs that a crash settlement offer is too low
People recovering from a major car crash often have a long road ahead of them. Even treatable injuries like broken bones lead to months of limited function. Injured people often need to take time away from work, and they may end up struggling to cover their costs in...
Types of evidence to preserve for truck accident cases
Evidence is crucial in a truck accident case, and failing to preserve it can weaken a claim. Amid the chaos in the aftermath of an accident, it might be easy to overlook preserving all types of evidence. If you have been injured a truck accident, you may ask: What...
How can you boost your visibility on a motorcycle?
Motorcycle rides can be exhilarating. But with that excitement comes the responsibility of staying safe. One crucial aspect of motorcycle safety is visibility. Ensuring other drivers can see you may significantly reduce your risk of accidents. Understanding the...
What are the chances of getting hurt by an uninsured driver?
For many people, mandatory car insurance feels like a burden. They have to pay hundreds of dollars per month in some cases for coverage that they expect to never need. After all, liability insurance generally only covers crashes when the policyholder is the party at...
How do child wrongful death claims work in Arizona?
Parents strive to protect their children, but sometimes tragedy strikes due to someone else's carelessness. In Arizona, the loss of a child from wrongful death brings both emotional pain and legal challenges. Knowing how these claims work helps grieving families seek...
How do people prove that distraction is to blame for a wreck?
There are dozens of underlying causes for motor vehicle collisions that occur in Arizona. Some wrecks are the result of intoxication. Others occur due to issues with vehicles or poor driving habits. In recent years, the widespread use of mobile technology has...