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Parking lots have become more dangerous for pedestrians

When assessing pedestrian collision risk, certain factors are important to consider. The time of day can influence the likelihood of a pedestrian crash. Many collisions occur after dark when motorists may have a difficult time seeing pedestrians in the street. Another factor that influences pedestrian collision risk is location. Some of the worst pedestrian crashes occur in rural settings. Higher speed limits and a lack of overhead lighting combine to make most country roads more dangerous for pedestrians than urban roads.

All of the above factors might make parking lots seem like a safe place for pedestrians. However, parking lots have actually become more dangerous for pedestrians in recent years.

What influences parking lot risk?

Generally speaking, drivers in parking lots maintain lower speeds than those out on the open road. The higher number of vehicles and pedestrians in a parking lot should make safety a top concern.

Sadly, driver distraction is a leading risk factor. More people admit to using mobile devices in parking lots than out on the road. They might read emails or even post on social media in those parking lots. Another factor that has influenced the increase in pedestrian risk in parking lots is the increasing size of motor vehicles.

As vehicles become taller with more vertical front ends, the way that they strike pedestrians can more easily knock them to the ground. Taller vehicles like SUVs and pickup trucks also have larger blind spots. Particularly when a pedestrian is a child, someone in a larger vehicle may not notice the pedestrian even if they are in front of the vehicle.

A pedestrian crash in the parking lot may not always occur at speeds fast enough to cause catastrophic injuries. However, people can still break bones or incur traumatic brain injuries. If they do, they may have major medical costs and lost wages to consider.

Those affected by pedestrian collisions may need help negotiating an insurance claim or preparing for a personal injury lawsuit. Pedestrians with serious injuries often need help holding irresponsible drivers accountable for negligent behavior in parking lots or on the road.


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