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Drowsy driving is similar to drunk driving 

Many people who fully understand how dangerous drunk driving is will still think that drowsy driving or fatigued driving isn’t all that bad. They may say that they don’t like to drive when they’re tired, but they will certainly do it if they feel like they have to. They don’t think it’s that dangerous or that problematic.

But is it? Some experts believe it is actually very similar to drunk driving. Let’s look at a few of the ways that this is possible.

Excessive fatigue

First and foremost, in some cases, those who haven’t slept for an excessive amount of time will respond similarly to as if they were at the legal limit for alcohol consumption (a 0.08% BAC). This usually happens when someone is at around 20 hours without sleeping. Most people never go that long, but those who do need to understand the risks.

Slowed reaction times

Another similarity is that both fatigue and intoxication can harm your reaction times. You may not notice things happening in front of you as quickly, and you may not physically move as fast to react to them. Fatigue slows you down so that accidents are more likely.

Nodding off

Certainly, the most dangerous thing that can happen to a fatigued driver is when they fall asleep or nod off behind the wheel. This also happens to intoxicated drivers who are so drunk that they pass out. Even those who just sleep for a split second behind the wheel have a much greater risk of being involved in a crash.

If you’ve been injured by one of these fatigued drivers, then it’s time for you to learn how to seek financial compensation for your losses.


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