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Post-traumatic stress is common after car accidents

When people hear about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they often associate it with those who have been to war zones. They do not imagine that they or their loved ones could deal with PTSD as the result of a relatively minor car accident. However, car accidents are one of the most common causes of PTSD. Whether you were physically injured by the car accident or not, the experience of the car accident could have led you to believe that your life was in danger, and therefore, extreme trauma was experienced.

If you have been involved in a car accident and you are going through emotional struggles such as feelings of anxiety, depression or having trouble sleeping, you may be suffering from PTSD. It is important that you seek advice from a medical professional as a priority since PTSD is a highly treatable condition. The following is an overview of the symptoms of PTSD and how you may be able to gain back damages.

What’s the difference between a normal reaction to a car accident and PTSD?

Everyone is going to feel shaken after a car accident. It’s normal to produce an adrenaline response as a result of being in a dangerous experience. Fatigue as well as reluctance to drive immediately afterward is normal, too. However, PTSD is a more persistent and ongoing feeling of general uneasiness. You may be feeling constantly irritable, worrying excessively and angry. Trouble sleeping and intense nightmares are also very common. You may be experiencing frequent flashbacks of the accident and be uncomfortable even seeing cars on the road.

Gaining back damages

If you are suffering mentally as a result of a car accident, it is also possible to gain back damages to help pay for medical treatment.

Make sure that you gain back the damages that you deserve so that the costs of your physical and mental injuries can be covered.


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