Almost every state requires drivers to carry automobile insurance. In spite of this requirement, the rates of those who are electing to drive without this required coverage have climbed in some states. In Arizona, the uninsured motorist rate in 2015 was approximately 12%.
The Insurance Research Council conducted the study, which was sponsored by the Hanover Insurance Group. The study revealed that an estimated 13% of all motorists nationwide were lacking coverage. This figure has increased approximately 0.7% over the past five years. However, it is down from a high of nearly 15% reported in 2003.
Though the overall rate has shown a slight decrease, the current rate translates into nearly one driver out of eight that is driving without insurance. In many instances, though a driver may have some coverage, the limits of a policy may not cover all of the damages that resulted from an auto accident. Maine has the highest rate of insured motorists while Florida has the highest numbers of uninsured motorists at over 26%. Drivers who choose to forgo coverage place others at risk and contribute to higher rates for motorists everywhere to help cover the costs.
An accident caused by an uninsured motorist could result in the victim or the victim’s insurance company having to cover the losses that were incurred, depending on the circumstances and existing policies. According to the industry, an accident involving an uninsured motorist is estimated to cost $20,000 without calculating the potential property damages. If a victim suffers serious injuries or property damages due to an Arizona accident caused by the negligence of another party — including a crash involving an uninsured or underinsured driver — he or she may seek the guidance of an experienced attorney who can provide assistance in pursing all legal measures to obtain compensation to cover documented damages.