Those who work with animals are aware of the hazards they face when dealing with a difficult or frightened creature. This is likely even more true for animal control officers who are called to deal with possibly dangerous dogs that can inflict serious injuries and scarring. One such Arizona worker recently discussed his horrifying experience.
The man, who has more than 20 years of experience in working with animals, was out on a routine call to collect a pet rottweiler that had been designated as a vicious animal due to its history of attacks on people. The officer was accompanied by a local police officer as a safety measure. As the animal control officer moved to take the dog into custody, it propelled itself forward and proceeded to attack. The worker threw up his arm in an effort to protect himself.
The dog viciously latched onto the man’s arm. The bite was so violent and forceful that it cut off circulation in the officer’s arm. Seconds into the attack, the police officer on the scene shot the animal dead. The victim will require several surgical procedures in order to repair the damage he suffered to his arm.
Reportedly, some of the dog’s previous victims are seeking recovery of the damages they have sustained. The officer has shared that, though he is expected to only regain approximately 80 percent of the function of his arm, he intends to return to his career of working with animals. Victims of these terrifying attacks often suffer serious physical injuries and will have permanent scarring as a constant reminder. Under Arizona’s dog bite laws, they are entitled to seek recovery of their monetary damages through a civil lawsuit filed against the owner or other parties deemed liable for an unprovoked attack.