Personal. Caring.

Stay Safe While Traveling during Spring Break

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2018 | Articles

Here are 5 Tips keep You Safe While Traveling During Spring Break

It’s a week before Spring Break and a lot of people are getting ready to travel to a different state or a different town to enjoy their vacation with friends and family. It’s a beautiful tradition for a beautiful time of year, taking an entire week to get out and enjoy the early bloom of Spring (if you’re traveling out of State, that is), before diving back into school and work and the last few months before summer. If yours will be one of the many families traveling this Next week, here are 5 tips to help you stay safe while traveling on the road:

  1. Check the weather to pack accordingly for your trip.
  2. Put all distractions away.
  3. Stay safe on the road by:
    • Being aware of others around you
    • Avoid slamming on the brakes to prevent losing traction
    • Avoid driving in blind spots of other drivers
    • If visibility becomes hard, pull off to the side of the road
    • Have a GPS directing you or a passenger giving you directions
  4. Prepare an emergency kit with a:
    • First Aid Kit:
    • Water and snacks
    • Phone charger
  5. Check your car’s:
    • Tires (including the spare tire)
    • Oil
    • Battery
    • Windshield wipers
    • Rubber hoses and belts

It’s also a good idea to have a spare tire.

By following these few easy tips before you hit the road, you will, at the very least have peace of mind, and if the worst should happen, you will be prepared to deal with most common roadside troubles.

Traveling can be fun but can get dangerous fast. Make sure to stay focused and be prepared for anything to happen when you’re behind the wheel.

The Law Office of Nate C. Cooley wishes you a safe Spring Break!


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