Dog bites occur more often then you may think. Do you know what to do if it happens to you?
Every year approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States and 1 out of 5 of those bites becomes infected. That means that every 75 seconds in the United States a someone is being bitten by a dog, making more than 1,000 citizens in need of emergency medical care every single day!
So what do you do if you or loved one ever get bitten?
- Identify the dog and owner: Obtain the names and addresses of the owner and witnesses. If the dog’s or owner cannot be identified, you’ll probably need to get a rabies shot.
- Seek immediate medical care: Always seek immediate medical attention no matter the severity of the dog bite. The risk of infection is far too great when it comes to canine bites.
- File a report for a dog bite: Make sure to file a report with the proper city or county as soon as you or the loved one have been treated. This documents your case legally and will make you a hero to the next victim who may be bitten by the same dog.
- Document: Take pictures of all your wounds, bruises, bloody or torn clothing, and the scene of the attack. Along with pictures, gather as much information as you can about the dog. Gather the license information and any records regarding its past.
- Contact an attorney: As soon as you’re able to, contact us, Nate Cooley Law. An attorney is one of the only people, besides the doctor that treated you, who will look after your best interest.
A dog may seem cute and innocent at first, but you never know what will trigger an attack. Become educated and know what to do if you or a loved one ever gets bitten. Contact The Law Office of Nathan C. Cooley if you have any other questions or concerns.